Tae Kwon Do >> One-step Sparring >> Left-side One-steps >> Lock Arm – Bend Back
(1) | Left hand: upper arm straight out at shoulder, |
Parallel to ground, | |
Forearm bent 90°, perpendicular to the ground | |
Hand in a knife hand | |
Right hand: |
(2) | Step left into horse stance |
Blocking punch with left knife-hand |
(3) | Lay left forearm over attacker's punching hand, |
Grab attacker's fist with your right hand | |
Place your left hand behind your right elbow for leverage |
(4) | Step behind the attacker's right instep with your right foot |
Push the attacker's fist up and back using the leverage created, | |
Bending the attacker backward |
(5) | Move the attacker's arm sideways slightly |
Pushing the attacker off-balance |
updated 22 April 2013