Lock Arm – Bend Back

Tae Kwon Do >> One-step Sparring >> Left-side One-steps >> Lock Arm – Bend Back


(1)Left hand:   upper arm straight out at shoulder,
  Parallel to ground,
  Forearm bent 90°, perpendicular to the ground
  Hand in a knife hand
Right hand: 

(2)Step left into horse stance
Blocking punch with left knife-hand

(3)Lay left forearm over attacker's punching hand,
Grab attacker's fist with your right hand
Place your left hand behind your right elbow for leverage

(4)Step behind the attacker's right instep with your right foot
Push the attacker's fist up and back using the leverage created,
Bending the attacker backward

(5)Move the attacker's arm sideways slightly
Pushing the attacker off-balance

updated 22 April 2013
Tae Kwon Do >> One-step Sparring >> Left-side One-steps >> Lock Arm – Bend Back